The possible nonexistence of extensions is a problem, then there are 2 alternative solutions :
Resitrct attention to those classes of default theories for which the existence of extensions is guaranteed (normal default theories)
Modify the concept of an extension in such a way that all default theories have at least one extension (not in this course)
A default is called normal if its consequent is its only justification P:Q / Q
in normal default theories all defaults are normal
Normal default theories :
always have extensions
rule out pathological cases such as T:¬pp
have the limited expressive power
T = (W,D) : a normal default theory :
assume that W is satisfiable. Then :
each process of T is successful
T always possesses extensions. Every finite process Pi of T may be explaneded to a closed process
Normal default theories are semi-monotonic : the addition of default rules never eliminates but extends or adds new extensions
theorem proving : knowing whether a specific formula is included in an extension of a default theory T, it is not appropriate to start determining extensions of T blindy
normal theoreis admit a goal-oriented reasoning method : backward-chaining, based on linear resolution
we consider here a special case : closed normal default theoreis and closed formulas
A) normal
B) non-closed
C) normal
D) closed
Lineair resolution (idea)
start with a clause
resolve it against a clause to obtain a resolvent
resolve this resolvent against some clause
and so on, until the empty clause is obtained
A default proof of F in a closed normal default theory T = (W,D) is a finite sequence (D_0, .. D_k) of subsets of D such that :
F follows from W union Cons(D_0)
forall 1 =< i =< K , the prerequistes of defaults in D_(i-1) follow from W union cons(D_i)
D_k = empty
W union U cons(D_i) is satisfiable
Theorem Soundness and completeness : let F be a closed formula. A consistent closed normal default theroy T has an extension containg F iff there is a default proof of F in T.
We define the set of clauses of T as : Clauses (T) = {(C,{d})∣d∈D and (C, {d}) is a consequent of caluse of {d∪{(C,∅}∣C∈W}
A pair (C, D') where C is aclause and D' in D is a set of normal defaults, will be referred to as an indexed clause.
A resolvent of (C_1, D_1) and (C_2, D2)
if R is a usual resolvent of C1 and C2 then the index clause R,D1 union D2
The top-down proof method can be generalized from closed normal defaults to open normal defaults
A top-down default proof of a closed formula F with respect to a closed normal default hteory is a seuqne of linear resolutions proofs such that :
L_0 is a linear resolution proof of F from clauses(T)
for 0 =< i =< k , L_i returns D_i
for I =< i =< k, L_i is a linear reoslution proof of pre(D_i-1) from clauses T