barely 1/3rd of pupils eligible for f.s.m acheive 5 or more GCSE's at A*-C as against 2/3rd of other pupils
90% of 'failing schools' are in deprived areas
money problems in the family are a significant in younger children's non-attendance at school.
Diet and Health - Howard:
young people from poorer homes have lower intakes of energy, vitamins and minerals
Diet and Health- Wilkinson:
among 10 year olds, the lower the social class, the higher the rate of hyperactivity, anxiety and conduct disorders, all of which are likely to have a negative effect on the child's education
Diet and Health - Blanden and Machin:
children from low-income families were more likely to engage in 'externalising' behaviours (fighting and temper tantrums), which are likely to disrupt their schooling
Fear of debt - Callender and Jackson:
w/c students are more debt averse - they see debt negatively and something to be avoided.
attitude towards debt was important in deciding whether to apply to university.
UCAS (2012): number of UK applicants to university fell by 8.6% in 2012 compared to years before.
National Unions of Students (2010):
survey of 3,863 students found that 81% of those from the highest social class, received help from home, as only against 43% of those from the lowest class.
w/c students were more likely to apply to local universities so they could live at home and save on travel costs, but that this gave them less opportunity to go to the highest status universities.
Mortimore and Whitty:
material inequalities have the greatest effect on achievement
tackling child poverty would be the most effective way to boost achievement