
Cards (59)

  • Philosophy is the knowledge of all things through their ultimate cause acquired through the use of reason
  • The term Philosophy was introduced by Pythagoras
  • Philo: love and Sophia: wisdom
  • Philosophy is the mother of science
  • "Wisdom is certain knowledge of the deepest causes of all things" - St. Thomas Aquinas
  • "Love is willing the good of the other" - St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Philosophy consists of three knowledge: Primitive Knowledge, Ancient Knowledge, and Modern Knowledge
  • Primitive Knowledge - animism
  • Ancient Knowledge - myth, religion
  • Modern Knowledge - philosophy, science
  • Material Object - studied by science
  • Formal Object - what is in the object you need to understand
  • Method - how'd you get it
  • "Science is knowledge of cause" - Aristotle
  • Aristotle was the first scientist Physics and Biology
  • Alexander the Great - Parents hired Aristotle to tutor him, who conquered the known world India
  • Philosophy (MO) - all things
  • Science (MO) - specific things
  • Philosophy (FO) - ultimate cause
  • Science (FO) - immediate cause
  • Philosophy (M) - reason
  • Science (M) - experience/systematic observation
  • Philosophy is intellect, while science is five senses
  • Science is knowledge from experience that is validated empirically, while philosophy is knowledge from reasoning
  • Scientists are highly specialized while philosophers are generalists
  • Science view the world in narrow perception of knowledge, while philosophy view the perspective of the totality
  • "Most incomprehensible in the universe is that its comprehensible" - Albert Einstein
  • I. Logic
    1. Formal Logic: the form & rules of reasoning (validity)
    2. Material Logic: the content of reasoning (truth)
  • II. Speculative Philosophy
    1. Philosophy of Mathematics (quantity)
    2. Philosophy of Nature (the physical universe) and (the human person)
    3. Metaphysics (truth), (being in general), and (being a se)
  • a se means "as such; in itself"
  • III. Practical Philosophy
    1. Philosophy of Art (making)
    2. Moral Philosophy (conduct)
  • Logic is the science and art of correct thinking
  • Logic is the preparatory course for philosophy
  • correct thinking has three parts: concept formation (simple apprehension), judgement, and reasoning
  • concept formation - is the formation of ideas
  • judgement is what relate one idea to another idea
  • reasoning is what you derive from what you know to what you didn't know
  • method of philosophy is reasoning
  • method of science is experience
  • "Logic is organon of philosophy" - Aristotle