Neuro (NER)

Cards (8)

  • Anxiety disorder is an excessive anticipatory fear response that interferes w normal life. Causes defensive behaviours, corticosteroid secretion, autonomic reflexes & negative emotions 
  • 3 types of anxiety disorder- generalised, phobic, panic disorder 
  • Somatic & autonomic effects of anxiety disorder are tachycardia, sweating, restlessness & sleep disturbances
  • HPA Axis & anxiety disorder- HPA axis overactive & elevated corticosteroid production without stressor, may be driven by cortex, amygdala or hippocampus 
  • Anxiety disorder treatment can be psychological or pharmacological (E.g. anxiolytics, beta blockers, antidepressants)
  • Anxiolytics – benzodiazepines E.g. diazepam; bind to allosteric site on GABAa receptors to increase GABA affinity so increased Cl- entry so hyperpolarisation; however sedation can occur, depression when with alcohol, and long term use causes tolerance and dependence so withdrawal effects
  • Novel anxiolytics- serotonin-1A partial antagonists; E.g. buspirone; slow acting, no sedation, non-addictive 
  • B blockers for anxiety disorder – reduce somatic symptoms E.g. tremor, palpitations & sweating