Damage and Reckless behaviour includes vandalism, arson, and criminal damage.
Crimes of dishonesty include fraud, shoplifting, and burglary, which make up one third of all reported crime.
The USA aims to influence countries to protect her own economy, deter aggressive countries, maintain peace, support her allies, and punish countries she is unhappy with.
Aaron Campbell sexually assaulted Alesha MacPhail on the Isle of Bute.
Alexander Gallagher raped a lady in her home when released from prison with an electronic tag.
Individualists believe that everyone is greedy and will commit a crime if they get the chance and think they can get away with it.
Being male increases testosterone levels, which can lead to aggression and crime such as assault.
Psychopaths have fewer connections in the prefrontal cortex, are less likely to feel guilt, and are more likely to commit crime.
Social learning theory suggests that children copy adult behaviour, especially violence, and if crime is accepted in their home, children will treat it as normal and are likely to copy it.
65% of boys who have a father in prison will go on to offend.
Peer pressure can cause young people to commit crimes like shoplifting to try to fit in, even though they would never normally do this on their own.
Experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences can cause risk-taking behaviour which can lead to crime.
Marxist theory suggests that the capitalist economy creates poor people that find themselves in a position where crime is the only way to get necessities such as food.
Being wealthy but greedy can cause individuals to commit crime to get more money.
Surgeon Anthony McGrath owned a large home and was on a high salary but got 8 years in prison for insurance fraud.
Being out of work can lead to people committing crimes to afford things they need.
Being bored can lead to offences such as joyriding.
Non custodial sentences are less expensive than prison, average £2000 per person.
Restorative justice can be ordered.
Compulsory Supervision involves a social worker supporting the child and family with their issue such as truanting, regular meetings with the child, family and school.
A panel meeting led by 3 volunteer adults is held at the Children’s hearing, it does not take place in a court room and the child can choose for their parents not to be in the meeting.
Electronic Tagging is a GPS monitoring system attached to the ankle, it monitors if the offender enters a banned area and verifies they stick to their curfew.
Offenders are in the community and able to reoffend unlike in prison.
Offenders learn new skills through non custodial sentences, for example, working in a charity shop teaches how to use a till, working with the public and time management, which can help develop self esteem and find future employment.
Connor Bull received 101 hours of community payback for the rape of a 12 year old.
The victim describes the impact of the crime and gives closure to the victim, resulting in 14% lower reoffending rates.
Fines are a common punishment, courts take into account the offender’s financial situation and decides a realistic sum.
Restorative justice reduces crime by addressing the cause of crime at its root.
The Scottish government has implemented the Caledonian System to tackle domestic abuse.
The role of the Children’s reporter is to refer a child to the Children’s hearing.
Non custodial sentences, such as community payback, have lower reoffending rates than prison.
Community Payback involves up to 300 hours of unpaid work in the community, normally with support for mental health or drug/alcohol issues.
James Wright cut off his tag and stabbed a father of 3 in Paisley to death.
Men charged with domestic abuse complete a 2 year course with the Caledonian System rather than go to prison.
Non custodial sentences are effective as they allow the offender to remain at home, keep their job, families and friends, cause less disruption in their lives, and have proven lower reoffending rates than prison.
The Caledonian System provides counselling and anger management support, resulting in reduced reoffending rates in Scotland.
Unemployed people miss out on benefits jobs bring such as health insurance or pension contributions.
Hillary Clinton ran as President in 2016.
66% of Asian American adults have college degree versus 15% of Native Americans.
Native Americans, Blacks and Hispanics have the lowest levels of health insurance.