Feedback involves using the information during or after the performance or a skill to alter how it was performed.
What are the types of feedback?
Knowledge of results
Knowledge of performance
Intrinsic feedback is when sensory information is available to performer that is internal or arising from sensory information.
Advantages of intrinsic feedback:
gets kinaesthetic feedback
does not need to rely on other
Disadvantages of intrinsic feedback:
if you get incorrect feedback skill will be performed inaccurately
if in the cognitive stage performer will not understand feedback
Extrinsic feedback is feedback from external sources, shouldn't be overused as the performer may depend on it and ignore the role of extrinsic feedback
Advantages of extrinsic feedback:
coach can help give advice to help improve performance
Information should be accurate as it is coming from a qualified coach
Disadvantages of extrinsic feedback:
Inaccurate feedback can lead to negative transfer of skills
Does not encourage performer to learn for themselves
Positive feedback is information that is often extrinsic and rewards performer via praise of positive comments.
Advantages of positive feedback:
Improves confidence
Leads to positive reinforcement and build S-R bonds
Disadvantage of positive feedback:
if undeserved performer may build inappropriate S-R bonds
Some performers don't respond well to too much praise and may ignore feedback
Negative feedback is information about an unsuccessful outcome, often criticism, that can be used to build more successful strategies.
Advantages of negative feedback:
can motivate performer to succeed
the performer will be clear about what they need to improve
more useful for autonomous learners who are refining skills
Disadvantages of negative feedback:
can be demotivating, especially beginners
could be detrimental to the learning process if feedback is inaccurate
Knowledge of results is external feedback, either from the performer seeing the result of their response or the coach who sae the skill being performed. e.g a cricketer admiring their shots
Advantages of knowledge of results:
shows if performer has been successful
statistical and fact based
increase motivation
Disadvantages of knowledge of results:
doesn't improve technique
too focused on statistics
decreased motivation
Knowledge of performance is feedback about the pattern of movement that has or still is taking place. Technique used not outcome.