Cards (8)

    Muted and simplistic.
    Mostly arm gestures and walking patterns for the trios.
    Isolated female has the most variety including ‘childlike’ actions such as squatting and skipping. 
    Male trio use boisterous contact work and repetition of ‘grooming’ gestures set up in LRR to maintain male like gang 1960s chauvinistic behaviour.
    Whole stage is used due to the large group of dancers.
    Clear groupings reflect the theme and easily identify soloists. 
    Mostly upright with a repeated roll phrase changing levels for the female trio.
    Trio groups have a lazy and fluid feel, accented with sudden stops/looks which act to isolate individual dancers.
    Isolated female often has an awkward staccato feel to her movement.
    Motif Development: Repetition of motifs – specifically the partner motif where the men lunge and support the women’s heads.
    Repetition of actions often correlates to repetition of the lyrics.
    Some action reaction creating the bullying theme.
    Trio of women often in unison while male trio uses complimentary actions.
    Subtle use of correlation and music visualisation.
    Use of background group tableau- ‘My riches can’t buy everything’- suggests loneliness/depression.
    Trio of women and trio of men occupy opposite sides of the stage, twice moving through each other to change sides. 
    2 dancers are isolated and dance as solos/duet or on the periphery of their gender group.
    As with all previous sections 
    Men – varying coloured jackets, shirts and ties
    Women – identical black dresses with red skirt inserts.
    Slightly darker blue wash across the stage. 
    This could reflect the lyrics 
    “it is the evening of the day”
    Bullying and rejection themes are evident through the isolation of individual dancers. 
    The flirty and adolescent attitudes between the sexes is also explored.