uplands + lowlands

Cards (14)

  • upland areas = areas higher above sea level - indigenous rocks usually = lower temperatures, windy and high rainfall
  • upland areas are mostly found 53 degrees north in the UK or southwest (eg. Dartmoor), glaciated uplands are north (eg. north west highlands
  • lowland areas = not high above sea level - usually flat lands - mild temperatures and less rainfall
  • lowland areas are fund in the east of the UK - East Anglia or London
  • glaciated landscapes are made when ice from years ago eroded the soil and formed our glaciated mountain ranges like Grampian mountains
  • climate affects landscape = long term average precipitation and temperature, maritime climate (influenced by oceans), mountains and relief rainfall
  • upland areas are wetter and colder - temperature drops quicker = thinner air = cant hold heat
  • Uk affected by air masses - more rain as it comes from oceans - weather affects rocks (chemical weathering) - cold to warm = freeze thaw = different flora
  • UK example of climate affect = scotland - 1500mm of rainfall in the Grampian mountains from relief rainfall
  • relief rainfall = wind is carried up until it hits mountains and forced to rise, cools and condenses, rains as it moves over mountain and becomes dry
  • human activity effects landscapes = farming and agriculture - arable farming in east midland as its flat with some rainfall
  • farming history affects landscape - drainage = better farmland - helps depth and heath of soils - creates ditches to drain water from land
  • humans: plant woodlands, costal marshes (burn moorlands to add nutrients to soils for crops)
  • quick chemical weathering makes the rocks smaller quicker