Living the christian life

Cards (26)

  • What is worship?
    Worship is when religious believers express their love and respect for, and devotion to, God. It is a time when Christians can thank God, ask his forgiveness, and pray for themselves, other people and the world at large. It helps them feel closer to God
  • How can Christians use Liturgical worship?
    Liturgical worship: Usually following am agreed form of words (often the congregation follow the words in a service book)
  • How do Christians use non-liturgical worship?
    Non liturgical: Although the service will have a clear structure, there will be no, or very few, set words other than words to songs
  • What is Individual worship?
    quiet worship alone in a person's own home
  • What is the book of common prayer?
    Anglican service book used for prayers and services
  • What are Christian attitudes to liturgical prayer?
    Liturgical and non-liturgical forms of worship occur in various different denominations, and most Christians worship using both forms. For example, Christians who value liturgical worship find comfort in using that has been said for decades. There is also some security in knowing exactly the pattern the service will follow, the length and time it will take and the form of words used have been authorised by a particular heiracrchy
  • What are Christian attitudes to non -Liturgical worship?
    The non-Liturgical service is more common in churches, such as Pentecostal churches and an increasing number of Anglican churches, and in these churches the emphasis is placed on listening to God and following his lead in worhsip. Non-liturgical worship tend to appreciate the fact that they have more freedom to express their worship in the form of dancing or lifting hands.
  • What are Christian attitudes to Individual worshsip?
    Believers often worship God on their own. They may want to praise God for who he is, or so that they can feel closer to him. Individual worship can include prayer, meditation, Bible reading, singing and quiet thinking
  • What is a pilgrimage?
    A pilgrimage should have a real impact on the pilgrim and involve some or all of the following aspects: feeling closer to God, discovering special rituals, objects, and places, having religious and spiritual experiences, praying and meditating, and seeking a cure for sickness.
  • What are Divergent views on pilgrimage?
    The catholic church teaches about the importance of pilgrimage in the Christian life: "Pilgrimages evoke our earthly journey towards heaven and are traditionally very special occasions for renewal in prayer"
    Pilgrimages are believed to be a special opportunity to pray and experience closeness to God. In many protestant Churches, Pilgrimage is equally important, although the sites of significance may sometimes be different
    Some Protestant Churches do not place as much emphasis on pilgrimage.
  • What is missionary work?
    Spreading the religion
    "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation"
    The purposes of missionary work:
    • Inviting non-Christians to convert to Christianity
    • Spreading the teachings of Jesus
    • Establishing monasteries and churches
    • Translating the Bible into every language
    • Provdiing clean water
  • What is Missionary work today?
    Many Christians will still feel the responsibility to tell others of their faith, whilst some become missionaries, others show their faith at home.
    However, some people criticise missionary work abroad on the basis that missionaries
    • Might only spread Western values
    • Have caused conflicts and even wars in the past
  • What is the importance of the local church to the parish?
    Christians belong to a community of local believers within a particular denomination which is called a parish. The local church building plays an important role in the community's life together. Living in that community encourages individual Christians to put their faith into action in everyday living practices.
    • A place for Christians to gather as a community
    • A place to learn about Christian beliefs
    • Care and advise from the priest and other church officials
  • How does the local church help individual believers and the local area?
    Christians believe that the Church is Holy and belongs to God. The church's mission is to preach the gospel
    Local churches carry out their mission in various ways
    • Offering the church as a community centre to bring people together
    • Praying for those in need
    • Supporting groups that campaign for justice an peace
    • Telling others about Jesus
  • What are Christian attitudes to peace?
    Most Christians believe that they should work towards establishing a peaceful world and ending war, because the sixth form of commandments forbids killing people, and because Jesus encouraged his followers to seek peace.
    Some of Jesus's teachings related to peace:
    -"Blessed are the peacemaker, for they shall be called children of God" (Mathew 5:9)
    -"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:4)
    -"All who draw the sword will die by the sord" (Matheww 26:52)
  • What are divergent Christian attitudes to peace?
    Other Christians feel like its necessary to fight, for example, to protect innocent people from a brutal enemy. The bible contains examples of good people taking up arms:
    "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authorities except that which God established "
    Some Christians interpret these instructions as meaning that people may sometimes have to obey an order to fight in the war
  • What does the Church teach about Peace?
    Churches have tried to encourage peace in the wild and encourage all Christiana to seek peace. In may conflicts, conscientious objectors for example Quakers have refused to fight. However, as the bible does not explicitly state whether or not Christians should fight in a war, many Christiana believe that in certain circumstances it may be right to fight
  • what does Christianity teach us about Jesus as a peacemaker?

    Jesus told his followers not to fight the soldiers- he wanted peace
    ”Am I leading a rebellion, that you have come with words and clubs?”
    Luke 22:25
    • Many Christians Interpret this as a teaching not to engage in conflict but to trust God instead
    • Others, however think that this shows they should not engage in petty, personal violence, but not apply to larger scale violence
  • What does Christianity teach about peacemaking?
    Jesus taught his followers should always seek to make peace
    ”love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”
    forgiveness and establishing peace
  • What causes conflict?
    Conflict is not always violent. however an armed conflict between two or more nations is known as a war. Theerr Are several main factors that can lead to this type of conflict:
    • Self- defense
    • economics
    • environment resources
    • fear
    • national pride
    • Religion
    • long standing racial hate
  • How do Christians respond to conflict?
    • belief in pacifism: pacafist believe that war could never be justified. Christian pacifist groups include the Quakers and the Plymouth Brethren
    • Belief in Just war: some Christian’s believe that It may be right to fight in some cir like to protect the innocent form an enemy. Christian churches that support this viewpoint include Catholics, Anglicans and Baptist
    • dealing with the cause: All christians recognise that offered the cause of conflict is something which needs to be fixed before the conflict had ended. for Example inequality leads to conflict.
  • what was Jesus’ Attitude to conflict?
    When Jesus was arrested Jesus told his followers to put their swords down and not fight because “those who draw the Sword will die by the sword“. For may this teaching means fighting creates more problem. they believe that should follows Jesus example of trusting that everything is in God’s control. However some disagree because Jesus wasn’t necessarily discouraging all forms of violence and refers only to small scale conflicts
  • What are non-religious viewpoints about conflict?
    Some non religious people believe that religion is a major factor for causing wars, for example
    • the crusades
    • conflicts between protestnats and catholics
    • conflicy between Muslims and Hindus in Kashmir
    • Conflict religious groups in Mifor East
    Some people believe that if religion was abolished, there would be less conflict.
  • What are the Christian responses to non religious viewpoints about the role of religion in conflict?
    In response to the assertion that religion is a major factor in causing war, some Christians argue that:
    • it is usually culture and social beliefs
    • all religions call for peace
    • Christians teaches people to love their enemies
    • some people misinterpret religious teachings
    It is clear religion has been used to Justify war, people can be persuaded to commit atrocities if they can be convinced they are doing it for a higher power
  • What is a holy war?
    A holy war is in one which religion is the drivin force. It has 3 elements
    • its aim is the achievement of a religious outcome
    • it is authorised by a religious leader
    • there is spiritual reward for those who take part
  • What are the aims of a holy war?

    The aims are:
    • to rescue religious believers from non believing countries
    • take revenge against blasphemies
    • to save and restore sacred places
    • to spread the faith