Cards (9)

  • Post feminist theorists such as Van Zoonen and bell hooks would say that violence against women for popular entertainment is as a result of a male dominated patriarchal society reflected in popular media such as television shows. This applies to The Killing. 
  • LAURA MULVEYLaura Mulvey would say in her theory on the male gaze that the female victim in the opening scenes of the killing is stripped down to her underwear and objectified for the male gaze
    Post feminist Judith Butler would also say however that detective Sarah Lund is a good example of gender fluidity in that she performs masculinity as a police detective and also performs femininity in her role as a mother.
    Gerbner would say using his effects theory called Cultivation Theory that Television appears to cultivate people's ideologies and beliefs. The more television you watch the greater the effect. This socialisation aligns people to the world they see on television. This can lead to common middle of the road views called mainstreaming and resonance which is when what people see in media such as The Killing with violence committed against female victims. This may also be what they experience and therefore resonates in their own lives. 
    Gerbner developed the Mean World Index or syndrome. The Mean World Index finds that long-term exposure to television in which violence is frequent cultivates the image of a mean and dangerous world particularly in this case for women. So prolonged exposure to violence on TV or gaming can make people feel that the world is more dangerous(for women in the case of The Killing) than it actually is.
    Mean world index is as a result of the unpleasant crimes and violence in gaming or violence depicted toward women in violent programmes.
  • The killing reflects the social and cultural contexts of Denmark Copenhagen in 2007 as it demonstrates the enhanced power of women in prestigious police investigative roles. Also it showcases female MPs and equality in marriage through Theis and Penille Larsen. Although, there is a scene where the father Theis takes an active part(male gender stereotype) in the search for his daughter whereas his wife Pernille plays the submissive female role(female gender stereotype) by waiting at home.
    Audiences enjoy everything about the show including the feminist ideology.
    Audiences enjoy parts of it but do not enjoy the patriarchal elements eg violence against women.
    Audiences do not enjoy the show perhaps due to the violence or their personal beliefs or prejudices eg a women could not be a realistic lead detective. Some might interpret it as depicting the ‘chaos’ created when women leave the home and focus on their job.
    Stuart Hall’s Reception theory may be useful in suggesting alternative, valid interpretations: female independence has led to the breakdown of institutions such as the family (Lund as estranged wife and mother). 
    The genre focus on violence against women problematises the feminist reading allowing for negotiated and oppositional readings. 
    A discourse is a discussion or debate about issues. Crime thrillers like The Killing are cited as  part of a wider debate and cultural anxiety about violence against women being used for entertainment and reinforcing its inevitability.
    The reading of Denmark as both a tolerant society but also as a violent and corrupt one can also be explored through diverse readings.
    The series resonated with UK audiences who at the time were part of the European Union and can identify with common European problems and issues and were also open to the idea of a strong female protagonist.