L22 Social Influence

Cards (7)

  • What three things can conformity be due to?
    Acceptance, compliance, obedience
  • Informational influence = a change of attitude/ behaviour because other people’s behaviour provides information about what is the correct thing to do.
  • Normative influence = when people provide information about what is the appropriate thing to do
  • Sherif: autokinetic effect (stationary small light appears to move in a dark room)
    • three participants in the same room, took turns in reporting their estimate.
    • Their judgments converged over time.
  • Risky shift phenomenon = groups make more risks than individuals
  • group polarization = normative views become more extreme over time
  • group think = extreme polarization that involves deterioration in mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment due to group isolation and an excessive desire to achieve/ maintain consensus