Cards (8)

  • Feminism for hooks is the struggle to end the patriarchal oppression.
  • Patricahy = society dominated by men
  • To class yourself as a feminist Hooks believes you must be active and be politically committed to feminism.
  • The oppression of women is NOT just a simple thing, we cannot say that women are all discriminated against in the same way or to the same extent.
  • She wants people to understand that discrimination and oppression against women vary depending on ethnicity and class.
  • For instance, a black women may be more susceptible to discrimination than a white woman.
  • Race and Social Class as well as Gender(e.g. Heterosexual Vs Homosexual) are also significant in the degree to which exploitation and discrimination occur e.g. there is a struggle against race and social class as well as gender.
    There are more opportunities for white middle class women than poor black women or homosexuals.
    Hooks believed that the media represents western white(or lighter skinned)women as the ideal.
  • Colour Codes-Lighter skinned women are considered more desirable and fit better into the western ideology of beauty.
    Black women are objectified and sexualised in hip-hop music videos reflecting the colonialist view of black women e.g. they are sexually disposable.
    Commodified Blackness-a mediated view of black culture that is considered the norm.