Radiation can be - reflected (bounce off surface), absorbed (cause heat), transmitted (pass through)
Ionising radiation - some forms of radiation transfer enough energy to remove electrons from atoms forming unstable ions which can cause mutations leading to cancer
All objects absorb and emitt electromagnetic radiation, the higher the temperature of a body/object, the higher frequency
Wave - transfers energy in the direction the wave travels without transferring matter.
Transverse wave - waves that oscillate at right angles to the direction of energy transfer
wave speed (m/s) = distance (m) / time taken (s)
Amplitude - distance from one wave crest to another
Frequency - number of complete waves per second (Hz)
wavelength - time taken for a wave to complete wave to pass a given point
electromagnetic waves - transverse waves that transfer energy emitted from a source
Reflection - light waves are emitted from a light source and transmitted through the air. Light bounces off surfaces and is reflected
refraction - waves change direction as they pass from one medium to another. They travel at different speeds through different mediums. Higher density = slower the wave speed