2B.10C: Environmental Refugees

Cards (4)

  • Global warming
    • 26.5°C seas more common
    • Warmer oceans = more frequent tropical storms
    • Higher storm surges
    • Stronger winds
    • 1.5°C (Paris agreement) - 4990 of world's glaciers would vanish by 2100
    • 3°C = near complete loss of glaciers in Central Europe
  • Environmental refugees
    • 250 million occupy global land below projected high tide lines for 2100 under low carbon emissions
    • Due to sea level rise, certain low-lying areas of the world are susceptible to the impacts of climate change
    • They can be managed in some areas that are most at risk with islands such as Maldives and Kiribati
    • Environmental refugees - People who must leave their homes and communities because of the effects of climate change and global warming
  • Bangladesh
    • Rise of environmental refugees
    • Rural-urban migration
    • Migration inland
    • 500,000 have left rural land for slums
    • Cyclones once 1 per 20 years, now 1 per 2 years
    • 30 million climate refugees in Bangladesh by 2050
    • Mountain glaciers melt
    • Salt water ruins water table
    • Rise in shrimp and fish farms
  • Tuvalu
    • Plan to relocate whole nation of Tuvalu
    • Tuvalu is home to 11,000 people
    • Total land area <26 sqkm
    • Most islands 3m above sea level
    • 20m across at narrowest point
    • Scientists predict Tuvalu could be uninhabitable in the next 50-100 years
    • Unsuitable land for crops
    • Tuvalu reliant on rainwater - underwater supplies contaminated by seawater