Just War & Pacifism

Cards (5)

  • Q1 - Conscience is the sense of right and wrong. Christians believe that it is the inner voice of God that guides you to do right
  • Q2 -
    • Commandment 6 of the Ten Commandments says 'Do not kill'. This seems to clearly outlaw killing in any situation including war.
    • Many Christians are pacifists because of what Jesus taught and did.
    • Jesus told his disciples to put away their swords when he was arrested.
    • Islam comes from a word meaning 'peace'.
    • While Islam is a religion of peace, it does not have a strong tradition of pacifism. Islam teaches it is acceptable to fight in jihad.
  • Q3 - Christianity:
    • Last Resort is when every other option should be tried first
    • Just Cause is when the reasons for going to war must be fair. This includes fighting to remove injustice or in self-defence.
    • Legitimate Authority is when the war must be started by proper authority (government/ruler/United Nations).
    Islam :
    • Heaven is when a Muslim who dies fighting jihad is guaranteed a place in Paradise.
    • Conversion is when once defeated, enemies must be offered the chance to convert to Islam.
    • Self-defence is that war should only be used in self defence or when Islam is under attack.
  • Q4 - AGREE
    • Jesus said 77 times was the number of times to forgive (we should forgive endlessly).
    • Jesus forgave executioners on the cross
    • It eases the bitterness and allows the person to move on.
    • Muhammad forgave those who mistreated him.
    • Muslims believe that if we forgive others, we will be rewarded with Paradise.
    • Muslims believe that if we forgive others, Allah will forgive us.
    • Most important day of a Muslims life is asking for forgiveness on Hajj.
    • Gee Walker forgave her son's killer.
    • TFK has stopped teenagers turning to violence and gangs in the USA.
    • Forgiving another person is not easy.
    • It is not natural to forgive, it is easier to hate.
    • Forgiveness is weak. They will do it again.
    • Punishments stops people from doing it again.
    • Revenge on the person who has done bad makes you feel better.
    • Some people don't deserve forgiveness after their crime and suffering they cause.