
Cards (19)

  • Study of population is called demography
  • Population density: average number of people living in a square kilometre
  • Factors affecting population density:
    1. climate
    2. relief
    3. manufacturing
    4. urban areas
  • Population pyramids tell us
    • number of people in different age groups
    • life expectancy
    • number of females and males
    • economic development
  • Types of population pyramids
    1. expanding
    2. stationary
    3. contracting
  • Population explosion: rapid growth in population
  • Birth rate: number of births per 1000 people in a year
  • Death rate: number of deaths per 1000 in a year
  • Population distribution: how people are spread out in an area
  • Migration: moving from one place to another within a country
  • Emigration: Moving from Ireland to another country
  • Immigration: moving from other countries to Ireland
  • Asylum seekers: people who apply for refugee status
  • Infant mortality rate: number of children under 1 who die per 1000 born
  • Fertility rate: average number of Children born per mother
  • Tanzania
    • developing country
    • expanding population
    • life expectancy= 62
  • Ireland
    • developed country
    • stationary population
    • life expectancy= 80
  • Economically dependant: 0-14 and 65+
  • Economically active: 15-64