Cards (19)

  • What was the War of the Roses?
    A series of English Civil wars for control of the English Throne. Between Lancastrian and Yorkist houses.
  • When was the War of the Roses fought?
    1455 and 1487
  • Why did the War of the Roses begin?
    Because of a power struggle around social and financial troubles following the Hundred Years' War.
  • Where did Henry Tudor live In 1471, when in exile?
  • Who gave Henry support in 1485, regarding his claim to the English throne?
    The king of France,Charles VIII
  • Was the battle of Bosworth the 22nd or 21st August 1485?
    22nd August 1485
  • Henry Tudor and who were the leaders at the battle of Bosworth?
    Henry Tudor and Richard III
  • How big was Henry's force at the Battle of Bosworth?
    About 5000 men
  • How big was Richard III'S army at the battle of bosworth?
  • Henry had no government experience due to being in exile
  • The act of Resumption (1486) put all land given out by Yorkist Kings in back under the control of the crown.
  • Did HVII arrange his coronation a week or month before opening Parliament?
  • HVIIs coronation was on the 30th of October 1485
  • Parliament opened on the 7th of November 1485
  • HVII made Sir Reginald Bray Chancellor the Duchy of Lancaster
  • Parliament granted HVII Tonnage and poundage (customs revenue)
    • 10 year old boy
    • Strongest Yorkist Claim to the throne
    • Imprisoned in Tower of London
    • Executed in 1499
    • Edward V + Richard - Duke of York = imprisoned in Tower of London
    • Believed to be killed by Richard III
  • What was HVIIs mother called?
    Margaret Beaufort