Inflation is above the Targetrate (1-3%). The MonetarypolicyCommittee meets and decides to raise the BaseInterestRate. High Street Banks react to this, increasing their interestrates on loans, mortgages, and saving accounts
The Transmission Mechanism (Steps 4 (MPS))
This will make savings more attractive, so the MarginalPropensity to Save should increase, which will weaken the effect of the multiplier on aggregate demand.
The Transmission Mechanism (Step 5 (loans))
Loans become more expensive, meaning businesses and consumers are less likely to take on new debt, meaning consumption and investment will reduce, causing real GDP to fall
The Transmission Mechanism (Step 6 (Mortgages))
Households on a variable rate mortgages will have a higher repayment cost, which will reduce their disposable income, and consumption will fall further
The Transmission Mechanism (Step 7 (Businesses))
Businesses will react to higher costs to supply and less demand, by reducing the size of the workforce, increasing unemployment
The Transmission Mechanism (Step 8 (END))
This will lower inflationary pressure as both Demand pull and Cost push inflation will reduce, so the inflation rate should fall