The sociology of childhood

Cards (12)

  • Historical contruction of childhood - Aries
    • Middle ages childhood didn't excit
    • Children were not seen as having differnt nature to adults at least past the stage of physical dependancy of infancy
    • Seen as 'mini-adults' same rights,duties and laws made no distiction between adults and children
    • After being weaned children entered society like adults
    • Looked at works of art from middle ages show no charateristic of childhood in children - both dressed the same
  • Historical construction of childhood - Shorter
    • Parents attitudes different in middle ages
    • High death rate encourage indifference and neglect towards infants
    • e.g not uncommon for a new baby to get recently dead siblings name or to refer to the baby as it or forget how many children they have or had
  • Cultral construction of childhood - Stephan Wogs
    • Obdience to authority differ
    • Sexual behaviours differ
    • Laws differ
    • Working-age differs
    • Expectation of risk differs - 13yrs drive tractors vs 13yrs wearing cycling helmets
  • Cultral construction of childhood
    Take responsibility at early age - Punch
    • Study of childhood in rural boliva found that children expected to fend for themselves at the age of
    • Tasks were taken on without hesitation
  • Cultral construction of childhood
    Childrens sexual behaviour viewed different
    • Trobriand islanders tolerent to childrens sexual curiosity
    • No age restriction to sexual actvities
  • Cultral construction of childhood - Bendict
    Argues that childrenin simple societies sre treated differnetly in three ways:
    • Less value is placed on children showing obdience to authority
    • Childrens sexual behaviours are view differently
    • Children take responsiblity at a young age
  • Reasons for changing position of children
    Introdution of laws restricting child labour
    • Children were economic assets who could earn a wage and help suppourt the family
    • Now children are a finacila liability and finacillay dependant on their parents
  • Reasons for changing position of children
    Laws that specificlly apply to children
    • Minimum ages for actvities like sex,smoking,drinking
    • Reinforces that children are different to adults
  • Reasons for changing position of children
    Declining family size/ lower infant mortality
    • High infant mortality meant that families had extra children to replace the ones that died
    • Lower infant mortality encouraged parent to make greater emotional and economic investment in their fewer children
  • Reasons for changing position of children
    Child protection Laws
    • 1889 preventation of cruelty to children act
    • 1989 children act - made the welfare of the child a fundamental principal of agiencies like social services
  • Reasons for changing position of children
    Introduction of compulory education
    • In 1880 introduced for all as m/c children already had school
    • Raised age of dependancy
  • Reasons for changing position of children
    Growing ideas of childrens rights
    • The children act 1989 - made parents have 'responsibilities' rather than rights in relation to children