The process by which a stem cell becomes specialised for a specific function
Define Stem Cells:
Undifferentiated genetically identical cells that have the ability to develop into any kind of cell via mitosis
How do stem cells differentiate?
Gene expression
Sperm cells are also called spermatozoa
Define Pluripotent:
Stem cells that are able to differentiate into any type of cell in the body
State the characteristics of stem cells:
have the ability to express all their genes
divides by mitosis
Outline the sources of stem cells, what they can be obtained from:
embryonic stem cells present in an early embryo
stem cells in umbilical cord blood
adult stem cells in bone marrow
induced pluripotent stem cells developed (iPS) in laboratories
State the uses of stem cells in research & medicine:
bone marrow transplant
drug testing
development biology
Tissue repair and replacement
Treat neurological diseases
Define Regenerative Medicine:
A field in medicine that deals with the use of stem cells to populate a bioscaffold of an organ which develops and grows into a specific organ for transplanting
Define Regenerative Medicine:
A field in medicine that deals with the use of stem cells to populate a bioscaffold of an organ which develops and grows into a specific organ for transplanting
Erythrocytes need to be replaced from bone marrow stem cells because erythrocytes are unable to undergo mitosis