Cards (40)

  • Genre is a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content.
  • The term genre has been ordinarily regarded as a literary or artistic category.
  • The main literary genres are prose, poetry, and drama.
  • Prose is a form of written or spoken language that follows the natural flow of speech, uses a language's ordinary grammatical structures, or follows the conventions of formal academic writing.
  • Fictional Prose involves characters that are invented by the writer.
  • Fiction allows the reader to explore new worlds, share the joys and sorrow of the characters, and learn from the invented experiences of the others.
  • A novel is a work of long prose fiction, usually centered around characters, events and settings.
  • Short stories are works of fiction that are usually shorter in length than novels.
  • Novellas are works of narrative fiction, longer than short stories but shorter than novels.
  • Fables are short stories with animals as characters that teach a moral lesson.
  • Parables are short stories used to illustrate a moral lesson or religious principle.
  • Legends are traditional stories that have been passed down through generations and are typically based on historical events.
  • History is the study of past events, particularly human activity and its impact on people and societies.
  • News is a piece of information about a current event or situation that may be reported in a variety of media, including newspapers, television, radio, and the Internet.
  • A biography is a detailed description or account of a person's life, including facts and information about the person's childhood, education, family, work, and death.
  • A diary is a personal record of experiences, thoughts, and/or reflections kept regularly and often privately.
  • An anecdote is a brief, often amusing story about a real incident or person, related as a way to support an argument or point in a speech or essay.
  • An essay is a short piece of writing that focuses on a particular topic or argument.
  • Octave is a stanza with eight lines written in iambic pentameter, or ten syllable beats per line.
  • Tragedy is a drama form in which the main character, often a person of dignified or heroic structure, suffers downfall.
  • In drama, actors make a world come alive, with elements of character, setting, theme, and plot.
  • Septet is a stanza with seven lines, also known as a "rhyme royal".
  • Ballads are songlike poems that tell a story, often dealing with adventure and romance.
  • The haiku is a Japanese poetic form consisting of three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third.
  • Quintain is a stanza of five lines, often seen in Tanka, a traditional Japanese poem.
  • Comedy is a type of drama that is humorous and has a happy ending.
  • Narrative poetry is a form of poetry that tells a story, usually following a plot with characters, a setting, and a climax.
  • Sonnets are a fourteen-line poem written in iambic pentameter, employing one of several rhyme schemes, and adhering to a tightly structured thematic organization.
  • Sestet, also called sestain, is a stanza with a total of six lines.
  • Drama is a story told in dialogue by performers before an audience, including television plays, radio plays, and movies.
  • Poetry is a type of literature, or artistic writing, that attempts to stir a reader's imagination or emotions.
  • Terce is a stanza consisting of three lines.
  • Couplet is a stanza made of two lines, often used in love poems.
  • Historical drama is a play that takes place in the past and is based on real events, with characters based on real historical figures, but the dialogue and action mostly created by the playwright.
  • Quatrain is a common stanza of four lines.
  • Epics are long, narrative poems written in a dignified style, that celebrate the adventures and achievements of one or more heroic figures of legends, history, and religion.
  • Farce is a funny play for the theater based on ridiculous and unlikely situation and events.
  • Melodrama is a drama that is full of exciting events and in which the characters and emotions seem to be exaggerated to be real.
  • Free verse is a type of poetry that does not use structural elements such as line length and stanzas.
  • Free Verse is a kind of poetry that is not written in a regular rhythmical pattern or meter.