In an evidence-basedpolicingapproach, policeofficers and staffcreate, review and use the bestavailableevidence to inform and challengepolicies, practices, and decisions.
Definition of a Highway - S5 Highways Act 1835
A highway is a road, bridge, carriageway, cart-way, horseway, bridleway, footway, causeway, churchway or pavement.
Drink Driving - S5 Road Traffic Act 1988
It is an offence to drive or attempt to drive or be in charge of a motorvehicle on a road or otherpublicplace after consumingsomuchalcohol that the proportion of his breath, blood or urineexceeds the prescribedlimit.
Unfit through Drink or Drugs - S4 Road Traffic Act 1988
It is an offence to drive or attempt to drive or be in charge of a mechanicallypropelledvehicle on a road or otherpublicplace whilst unfit to drivethroughdrink or drugs.
Power of entry following injury RTC - S6.E (1) - Road Traffic Act 1988
Where a constablereasonablysuspects the accidentinvolved the injury of anyperson:
They may enteranyplace (by reasonableforce if necessary) for the purpose of -
Requiring a preliminarytest.
To arrestafter a positivebreath or drugtest.
To arrestafterfailure or refusal to provide a breathtest (must suspectalcohol or drugs).
Lighting fires on or over a Highway, discharging firearm or firework - S161 (2) Highways Act 1980
If a person without lawful authority or excuse:
Lights any fireon or over a highway which consists of or comprises a carriageway, or
Discharges any firearm or firework within 50feet of the centre of such a highway.
And in consequence a user of the highway is injured, interrupted, or endangered, that person is guilty of an offence.
Defining Evidence - College of Policing
Evidence is information that may be presented to a court or tribunal in order that it may decide some factbefore it.
To a vehicleotherthan that mechanicallypropelledvehicle or a trailerbeingdrawn by that mechanicallypropelledvehicle.
To an animalother than an animal in or on that mechanicallypropelledvehicle, or a trailerdrawn by that mechanicallypropelledvehicle.
To any other propertyconstructed on, fixed to, growingin or otherwiseformingpart of the land in which the road or place in question is situated and land adjacent to suchland.