4.2.1 Codes of conduct

Cards (34)

  • What are the three main professional bodies connected to digital professionals?
    British computer society (BCS)
    Institute of analysis and programmers (IAP)
    Association for computer machinery (ACM)
  • WHat have BCS, IAP, and ACM developed?
    A code of conduct
  • Who should follow BCS?
    IT and computer scientists
  • Who should follow IAP?
    Data analysts, and programmers
  • Who should follow ACM?
    A broad range of computing professionals
  • Each of the professional bodies for digital systems provide:
    Training and qualifications
    Updates and info on the industry
    Resources for members to enhance knowledge
  • A code of conducts:
    Role; Ensure members behave professional
    Purpose; provide members with a set of guidelines and principles
  • The IAP states that members must meet the highest professional standards and abide by their duty to serve the public interest
  • The ACM states that their actions effect the world and therefore members must ensure their actions benefit the public
  • The code of conduct of each professional bodies include commitment to mebers of the public, professionalism, and ethical conduct
  • BCS ethics statement:
    The foundation of digital professionalism is built everday by the competence, integrity, and diversity of their members.
  • The 4 main pints of code of conduct in BCS are:
    You make IT for everyone
    SHow what you know, learn what you don't
    Respect the organisation or individual you work for
    Keep IT real, Keep IT professional, pass IT on
  • To become a member of BCS you need to have a higher degree of some form in computer science, and 5+ years of experience in relevant IT industries. You must also have a sponsor who is already a member to vouch for you
  • Once you are a member of BCS you can become a Chartered IT Professional. It is a much more rigorous application process than the BCS Membership.
  • Becoming a chartered IT Professional requires them to consider:
    How long you have been working in IT
    WHat languages you have been working in
    Level of complexity you have been working at
  • Both becoming a chartered IT professional and becoming a member of BCS guarantee your competency improving employability
  • The BCS code of conduct must be followed by all members
  • Breakdown of the BCS main code of conduct:
    IT for everyone -
    Due regard must be held for public health, privacy, security and wellbeing of others and the environment.
    Due regard for the rights of third parties
    Equality and Equal access
  • Breakdown of the BCS main code of content:
    Show what you know, learn what you don't -
    Only undertake work you are capable of
    Don't lie about competence
    Develop your skills
    Understand all applying legislation
  • Breakdown of the BCS main code of content:
    Keep IT real. Keep IT professional. Pass IT on. -
    Accept personal duty to uphold reputation of a profession
    Improve professional standards
    Encourage and support fellow members
    Uphold the standing of BCS
  • The IAP is for software engineers, web developers, etc
  • IAP is a lot more focused on the languages, tech, and skills that mebers have obtained in industry, aswell as relevant degrees
  • Is BCS or IAP harder to get into?
  • What are the 4 main parts of IAP:
    Duties to the public
    Duties to the profession
    Duties to the institution
    Duties to clients
  • Breakdown of the IAP main code of content:
    Duties to the public -
    Due regard is paid to H&S
    Endeavour to safeguard the legal rights of third parties
    Observe the law of the land
  • Breakdown of the IAP main code of content:
    Duties to the Profession -
    Conduct yourself as a professional
    Strive to advance public appreciation and professional standards
    Act with integrity to wards the public and other professionals
    Do NOT make public statements unless compotent to do so
  • Breakdown of the IAP main code of content:
    Duties to the Institution -
    You must admit when you don't know something
    Accept responsibility for your work
    Do not claim expertise you lack
    Encourage and support fellow members, especially to become members of the instutition
  • Breakdown of the IAP main code of content:
    Duties to the Client -
    Work with proper care
    If a judgement is overruled indicate the consequence in writing
    Don't disclose confidential info
    Don't take advantage of others
    Do not handle client finances, etc: unless permission was given
  • The BSC and IAP generally positively impact a business as they can be sure a developer has a basic level of experience and skill
  • 3 benefits and one negative of businesses using the BCS and IAP code of conduct for the business:
    + Developer will be suitable
    + Developers will collaborate
    + Developers will follow the law
    - Developers must develop their skills
    - Developers will likely be expensive
  • Why are BCS and IAP developers expensive?
    Often need additional teaching courses and have to pay a membership + they are experienced
  • BCS subscription costs £149
  • IAP membership costs £125
  • It is very challenging to get into IAP without a higher qualification, however it is possible