2B.11B: Soft engineering

Subdecks (5)

Cards (13)

  • Beach nourishment
    • The addition of sand or pebbles to an existing beach to make it higher or wider. The sediment is usually dredged from the nearby seabed
    • Adv - Relatively cheap and easy to maintain
    • Adv - Looks natural and blends in with existing beach
    • Adv - It increases potential of tourists by creating a bigger beach
    • Dis - It needs constant maintenance because of the natural processes of erosion and longshore drift
    • Cost - £300,000 for 100 metres
    • Example - Skegness
  • Cliff regrading and drainage
    • Cliff regrading reduces the angle of the cliff to help stabilise it. Drainage removes water to prevent landslides and slumping
    • Adv - Regrading can work on clay or loose rock, where other methods won't work
    • Adv - Drainage is cost effective
    • Dis - Regrading effectively causes the cliff to retreat
    • Dis - Drained cliffs can dry out and lead to collapse (rock falls)
    • Cost - £1m per 100m
    • Example - Canford Cliffs, Dorset
  • Dune stabilisation
    • Marram grass can be planted to stabilise dunes. Areas can be fenced in to keep people off newly planted dunes
    • Adv - It maintains a natural coastal environment
    • Adv - It provides important wildlife habitats
    • Adv - It is relatively cheap and sustainable
    • Dis - It is time-consuming to plant marram grass
    • Dis - People may respond negatively to being kept off certain areas
    • Cost - £200 to £2000 for 100 metres
    • Example - West Sands Beach, St Andresw
  • Marsh creation 

    • A form of managed retreat, by allowing low-lying coastal areas to be flooded by the sea. The land then becomes a salt marsh
    • Adv - It is relatively cheap, because it often involves land reverting to its original state before it was managed for agriculture
    • Adv - It creates a natural defence - providing a buffer to powerful waves
    • Adv - It creates an important wildlife habitat
    • Dis - Agricultural land is lost
    • Dis - Farmers or landowners need to be compensated
    • Cost - The cost is variable depending on the size of the area
    • Example - WWT Steart Marshes, West Somerset
  • Managed retreat
    • The planned relocation of residents and the removal of structure and infrastructure
    • A breach is made in the existing defences to allow the sea to inundate the land
    • Adv - Can alleviate the pressure on other areas along the coast and reduce their risk of flooding
    • Adv - May be more cost-effective in the long run than maintaining hard defences
    • Dis - Relocation may cause stress and disruption
    • Dis - High short term cost
    • Dis - Coastal habitats destroyed/affected
    • Cost - Land owners compensated £5-10k
    • Example - Medmerry Sea Wall, West Sussex