Cards (4)

  • What is a Hyperlink?The Internet is reference link that allows you to navigate to another page of same document or to another
  • Three Types of Hyperlinks
    1)ABSOLUTE URL -Links to a page on a different web server
    2)RELATIVE URL - Links to a page on the same Web server
    3)NAMED ANCHOR - Links to a diffent location on the same Web Page
  • Attributes for <a> </a>
    1)href- Indicates the target of the anchor
    2)target Indicates the behavior the Web browser will carry out.
    3)name - Assigns a name to the anchor defining an internal bookmark of the page
  • Target Attribute
    1)blank - the value of the href attribute or target URL will be opened in a new window.
    2)_self - the value of the href attribute or target URL will be opened within the same frame.
    3)_parent - The value of the href attribute or target URL will be opened in the parent frameset.
    4)_top - the value of the href attribute or target URL will be opened in the full body of the window