human reproduction

Cards (27)

  • when embryo reaches uterus - forms a placenta
  • placenta is an exchange organ - allows foetus to connect to mothers blood supply
  • umbilical cord allows the exchange of vital nutriets: oxygen, glucose, amino acids, antibiotics
  • placenta adaptations:
    • villi = increase surface area
    • good blood supply = maintain concentration gradient
    • thin membranes = short diffusion pathway
  • amniotic fluid cushions baby from shocks
  • foetal heart: has two adaptations for more effective blood flow:
    • connection between the atria
    • connection between aorta and pulmonary artery
    • oxygen enters blood via umbilical cord = not all blood needed to go to lungs
  • fertilisation occurs when sperm meets egg cell
  • oestrogen produced in ovaries
  • testosterone produced in testes
  • menstrual cycle: the cycle of an ovum maturing and being released
  • menstrual cycle is across 28 days
  • day 0-5: a period happens and uterus lining is lost
  • day 6 - 13: uterus lining builds up again
  • day 14: ovulation occurs and an ovum is released
  • day 15 - 28: the uterus lining is maintained
  • ovary makes oestrogen and progesterone
    pituitary gland makes FSH and LH
  • FSH from pituitary gland matures an ovum and stimulates oestrogen
  • oestrogen thickens uterus lining - inhibits FSH and stimulates LH
  • LH causes ovulation and stimulates progesterone
  • progesterone maintains uterus lining - inhibits LH and FSH
  • reproduction = the production of new members of a species, replacing those who die of old age, disease and competition
  • sexual reproduction involves two parents who have sex organs that produce sex cells that fuse in fertillisation
  • asexual reproduction involves one parent and no fusion of sex cells
  • zygote has 46 chromosomes - 23 from sperm 23 from ovum
  • XY - sex chromosomes
  • sperm structure:
    • nucleus of a sperm has 23 chromosomes
    • a chromosone has digestive enzymes in
    • mitochondria produce ATP for the flagellum to use for swimming
  • large amount of sperm released = high failure rate
    very small - light to swim