plant reproduction

Cards (16)

  • sepal = protects unopened flower - not on all
  • petals = brightly coloured to attract insects
  • stamen = male parts of flower:
    • filament = holds anther up
    • anther = produces male sex cell (gamete) and pollen
  • carpell = female parts of the flower
    • stigma = top of female parts - collects pollen grains
    • style = holds up stigma
    • ovary = produces female sex cell (gamete) in the ovules
  • pollination = the taking up of pollen from an anther and transfering it to the stigma
  • cross pollination = 2 different plants
  • self pollination = same plant
  • wind pollinated flowers= pollen travels on wind
  • wind pollinated flowers characteristics:
    • dull and small petals
    • no scent
    • no nectar
    • lots of pollen on anther - dry and smooth - anther dangles loosely to expose pollen
    • long and loose filament
    • long style - sticky and feathery stigma to catch pollen - out flower
  • insect pollinated flower characteristics:
    • bright and large petals - attract insects
    • scent and nectar - attract insects
    • small and sticky pollen - stick to insect
    • firm and short filament - in flower - allow for insect to land on
    • firm, short style - sticky stigma - take sticky pollen of insect
  • asexual reproduction:
    • parent plant send out new growth called runner and genetically identical offspring plant grows on other end - forms roots
  • asexual production = eg. buds, bulbs and cuttings of plants
  • germination = the process of a seed sprouting and growing into a plant
  • germination needs:
    • water = activate enzymes to break down food reserves
    • oxygen = for respiration to produce energy
    • suitable temperature - optimal temperature for enzymes
  • fertilisation = when pollen grain nucleus fuses with ovum nucleus
  • plant fertilisation:
    • pollen grain lands on stigma
    • pollen tube begins to grow down style
    • pollen nucleus moves down pollen tube
    • pollen tube enters ovule through hole
    • pollen nucleus fuses with ovum nucleus - ovule becomes a seed, ovary becomes a fruit