Cell diversity in plants

Cards (5)

  • Palisade Cells
    • long and cylindrical, so that they pack together quite closely but a little space between them air to circulate ; carbon dioxide in these air spaces diffuses into cells
    • they have a large vacuole ao that chloroplasts are positioned nearer to the periphery of the cell, reducing the diffusion distance for carbon dioxide
    • they contain many chloroplasts
    • they contain cytoskeleton threads and motor proteins to move chloroplasts nearer to the upper surface of leaf when sunlight intensity is low, but further down when high
  • Guard cells 1
    • found in lower epidermis , contains chloroplasts but doesn't carry out photosynthesis because it doesn't have the enzyme needed for the second stage
    • Light energy is used to provide ATP
    • ATP actively transports potassium ions from surrounding epidermal cells to guard cells , lowering water potential
    • water enters by osmosis from neighbouring epidermal cells
    • Guard cells swell, the tips of the cellulose cell wall is flexible, and rigid where it is thicker;the tips bulge and open the stoma
  • Guard cells 2
    • once the stomata is open , air can enter within the spaces beneath palisade cells
    • gaseous exchange can occur, carbon dioxide can diffuse into palisade cells ; as it's used for photosynthesis , it can maintain a steep concentration gradient
    • oxygen is produced by photyosynthesis , and diffused through spaces into open stomata (+ water vapour)
  • Xylem + Phloem
    • they form vascular tissue of plant
    • xylem vessels + phloem sieve tubes
  • Root hair cells
    • hair-like projections give it large surface area
    • mineral ions are actively transported from root hair cells, lowering water potential
    -> causing water to follow by osmosis, decreasing water potential
    • they have a special carrier protein to actively transport mineral ions
    • root hair cells provide ATP as it needs energy for active transport