Cards (11)

  • Social dances are dances that are designed to improve social skills and fitness.
  • In social dancing, the male lead while a female follows.
  • Leadership, respect, and obedience are important aspects of social dancing.
  • Social dances contribute to one's fitness and well-being by making one physically engaged and active, preventing lifestyle diseases.
  • The general term referring to the do's and dont's in social dancing is dance demeanor.
  • Social dancing can prevent some diseases caused by sedentary lifestyle, if regularly performed.
  • Diabetes, obesity, and weight gain are diseases that can be prevented by social dancing, if regularly performed.
  • Cha-Cha-Cha is a lively, fun, cheeky, and playful dance.
  • In Modern Standard Dances, the performers wear ankle-length gowns for females and coat-and-tie for males.
  • Foxtrot is a beautiful, romantic dance that consists of fairly simple walking steps and side steps.
    • (SAMBA) It is known to the simple forward and backward steps and tilting and rocking body movements.
    • (SLOW WALTZ) It is a smooth dance that travels around the dancefloor
    • (LATIN AMREICAN DANCES) One major classification of dances wherin dnacers wear revealing, tight-fitting, sexy, and sophicticated in nature.