
Cards (6)

  • Open questions- participants can answer the question in their own words, usually provides qualitative data
  • Strengths of open questions:
    • Qualitative data- provides insight and detail
    • Less demand characteristics- pps might be able to become more comfortable
  • Limitations of open questions:
    • Less replicable- pps might divert from the question
    • Qualitative data- less comparable, lowers internal validity
    • Takes time- collecting many detailed responses
  • Closed questions- participants have given answers to choose from per question, and are told to choose the most relatable answer, provides quantitative data
  • Strengths of closed questions:
    • Easy to compare- increases internal validity
    • Takes less time to get responses- more cost-effective
    • Easier for participant- can be done without researcher present
    • More replicable- pps can choose from the same answers
  • Limitations of closed questions:
    • Quantitative data- lacks detail, less insight
    • Social desirability bias- pps are able to see the 'expected' answers in front of them