human reproductive system

Cards (10)

  • label
    A) bladder
    B) glands
    C) sperm duct
    D) urethra
    E) penis
    F) testis
    G) foreskin
    H) scrotum
  • label
    A) semen
    B) sperm cells
    C) nutrients
    D) fluids
    E) urethra
    F) ejaculation
    G) tube
    H) centre
    I) penis
    J) urine
    K) semen
    L) ring of muscle
    M) mixing
    N) scrotum
    O) sperm
    P) testosterone
    Q) sac
    R) testes
    S) temperature
    T) lower
    U) urine
    V) bladder
    W) semen
    X) vagina
    Y) sexual intercourse
  • label
    A) oviduct
    B) ovary
    C) uterus
    D) cervix
    E) bladder
    F) urethra
    G) vagina
  • label
    A) ovary
    B) uterus
    C) ciliated
    D) push
    E) ovum
    F) fertilisation
    G) ova
    H) hormones
    I) muscular
    J) soft
    K) lining
    L) zygote
    M) implanted
    N) foetus
    O) ring
    P) muscle
    Q) lower end
    R) pregnancy
    S) muscular
    T) tube
    U) penis
    V) deposited
  • gametes have only 1 copy of each chromosome
  • label
    A) acrosome
    B) haploid
    C) mitochondria
    D) tail
    E) membrane
    F) mitochondrion
    G) cytoplasm
  • label
    A) flagellum
    B) swim
    C) enzymes
    D) acrosome
    E) digest
    F) jelly
    G) membrane
    H) mitochondria
    I) respiration
    J) locomotion
    K) cytoplasm
    L) energy
    M) dividing
    N) zygote
    O) jelly
    P) coating
    Q) impenetrable
    R) barrier
    S) other
  • label
    A) small
    B) large
    C) head
    D) flagellum
    E) many
    F) round
    G) few
    H) jelly
    I) locomotion
    J) day
    K) million
    L) thousands
    M) immature
    N) ovary
    O) 1
    P) released
    Q) month
  • fertilisation 1
    • during ejaculation, millions of sperm cells move along the sperm duct (aka vas deferens)
    • the sperm are suspended in semen, secreted by prostate gland
    • semen passes into urethra
    • during intercourse, semen is ejaculated into the vagina near the cervix
    • the sperm follow a chemical trail and travel through the plug of mucus in the cervix to reach the uterus and travel into the oviducts
    • if a sperm meets an egg in the oviduct -> fertilisation (usually 1-2 days after female ovulated)
  • fertilisation 2
    • fertilisation is the fusion of the nuclei from a sperm cell and an egg cell to form a zygote
    • during fertilisation, the head of a sperm releases enzymes hat digest a path through the outer layer of the egg, allowing it to pass thru the egg cell membrane
    • the egg releases a thick layer of material that prevents any more sperm from entering so only 1 sperm fertilises
    • 46 chromosomes, divides by mitosis until an embryo is formed after a few days, then cells specialise to perform particular functions and form all the body tissues of the offspring