Analytical chemistry is particularly concerned with the questions of "what chemicals are present, what are their characteristics and in what quantities are they present?"
Precision in analytical chemistry is the measure of reproducibility of data within a series of results, and the results are near each other and near the true value.
Modern techniques such as atomic absorption spectroscopy and ICP - MS (Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) are able to quickly detect the presence and concentrations of element s using a very small amount of sample.
When the numbers follow a unit, bar or scientific notation, all zeros to the right of a decimal point and to the right of a non-zero digit are significant in significant figures.
Qualitative analysis is a method of analytical chemistry which seeks to find elemental composition of inorganic compounds and the functional group of organic compounds.
Total anti-oxidant in a malunggay leaf can be determined through Ultimate Analysis, which involves the amount of a specific constituent or a single chemical species present in the sample.
Instrumental Method, which is more accurate and based on specific physical or chemical properties of the analyte, includes Spectrometry, polarimetry, and chromatography.
Volumetric Analysis is an analysis involving the measurement of volume of a solution of known concentration required to react with the desired constituent.
Gravimetric Analysis is an analysis involving the accurate measurement of weight of substance being determined which may be isolated in pure form or converted to another substance of known composition by making it react quantitatively with another substance usually a precipitant.
Physico-chemical Methods are analysis based on some specific physical or chemical property or properties of the substance being analyzed with the use of instruments such as spectrophotometer, chromatograph units, polarographer, polarimeter, and fluorometer.
Quantitative chemistry involves determination of the proportion of components in a substance, based on computations such as stoichiometry, instrumental methods, etc.
Extent of determination in analysis can be classified as proximate analysis (total amount of a class or a group of active plant principles in a given sample).
Sulfuric acid may lead to the precipitation of the 4th group cations, while nitric acid directly reacts with the sulfide ion (reagent), forming colloidal sulfur.
Caution should be taken to properly separate all lower analytical groups beforehand, as many of cations in previous groups also form insoluble carbonates.