The formula for calculating the sample size is n = N / 1 + Ne2.
Recommendations are directly based upon the conclusions drawn and patterned according to the insights of the significance of the study.
Population consists all of the possible observable elements.
Sample is the portion taken from the population and is subject to study.
The margin of error accounts for the difference between actual and projected results.
Practicality and efficiency are the main reasons for sampling.
In sampling, determining the sample size comes first before the sampling technique.
The main advantage of random sampling is that all elements have equal chance of being selected (equiprobability) and each element’s chance is not affected by another (independence).
Regardless of population size, the sample size with 5% margin or error will never exceed 400.
Cluster sampling is BEST for studies targeting specific and existing groups or clusters (e.g males and females in class, sections, religion, brand of phone).
The larger the sample size, the higher is the validity and reliability of a result because of better representation.
You can never compute the sample size if the population size is not defined.
Stratified Proportional Random Sampling ensures that sample size of each subgroup is proportional to the population.
Systematic sampling takes every nth member of a population as sample.
A construct is any measurable principle or idea.
Among types of instruments, an adopted instrument from a published research paper possesses the highest validity and internal consistency.
Likert scale values always begin with 4 (or 5) as the highest value for the highest degree.
Survey questionnaires, as quantitative instruments, provide quantifiable measures for any type of construct.
Validity is for accuracy as reliability is for consistency.
The structure, grammar, and print quality of a test reflect the face validity.
Content validity is validated through experts’ rating of each item using content validity index or CVI by Lynn (1986).
An instrument possesses construct validity if its scores can reflect other related theoretical constructs such as IQ.
Concurrent validity test is done when an instrument’s score is correlated with scores of a standardized test.
The ability of a test to produce results that can predict future performance in another test shows the predictive validity of that test.
Test-retest method is a reliability testing using same (one) test administered at two separate times.
Parallel forms method is a reliability testing using two similar tests administered at two separate times in the same respondents.
Split half method uses two sets of tests combined into one test then administered in one time, usually separated by odd and even numbers.
If current studies are dominantly against your findings, then there must be an issue with the validity and reliability of your result.
Conclusions are important for it allows readers to fully grasp the results, significance, and its implications.
Observation method makes use of sensory observation and observation notes.
The t-test is a statistical test that is used to determine if there is a significant difference between the mean scores of 2 samples, or 2 mean scores from one sample.
The Pearson correlation coefficient, also known as Pearson's r, is a statistical measure that calculates the direction and strength of relationship between two variables.
Aside from providing support and credibility to the result, interpreting using literatures (citations) allows for a more comprehensive discussion of results.
Inter-rater Reliability does not need actual testing but only the rating of experts.
Experimental method involves gathering data from two separate points in time (before and after treatment) and comparison of the results.
Conclusions should NOT repeat the research questions, nor the results presented in the results and discussion chapter.
Verbal interpretation-table-discussion is a proper way of discussing results in the Results and Discussion.
Conclusions should discuss the implications of the findings in the light of the significance of the study.
This is your option if you intend to use Pearson’s r but the parametric assumptions are not met.
Survey method involves gathering data from a large sample using questionnaire.