Hamlet quotes

Cards (69)

  • “Throw away this unprevailing woe”=Claudius telling hamlet to stop sulking act 1 scene 2
  • “Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven= Ophelia asking for advice from Laertes best way to behave with hamlet act 1 scene 3
  • “I do not set my life at a pins fee”-hamlet feels worthless with his life act 1scene 4
  • “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” -Marcellius as he and Horatio debate whether or not to follow Hamlet and the ghost into the dark night. Act 1 scene 4
  • The time is out of joint: O cursèd spite
    That ever I was born to set it right! Act 1 scene 5 responsibility on Hamlets shoulders
  • “Where wilt thou lead me? ” Hamlet with ghost act 1 scene 5
  • “to make inquire Of his behavior”.Polonius to Reynaldo act 2 scene 1 to spy on Laertes
  • O, my lord, my lord, I have been so affrighted!Ophelia Act 2 scene 1
  • Polonius claims ”This is the very ecstasy of love”,- act 2 scene 1
    He thinks Hamlet is madly in love with Ophelia after he acts crazy to her.
  • “I’ll catch the conscience of the king” act 2 scene 2 hamlet wants to expose Claudius and make him guilty
  • “To be or not to be that is the question“ hamlet suicidal act 3 scene 1
  • “Get thee to a nunnery” act 3 scene 1 hamlet gets angry at Ophelia = mysoginy
  • “Give me some light. away” Proving Claudius guilt act 3 scene 2
  • “Now I could drink hot blood“ Hamlet more Eager to kill claudius now he looks guilty act 3 scene 2
  • “o my offense is rank it smells to heaven” Claudius contemplating the murder act 3 scene 3
  • “my words fly up my thoughts remain below” act 3 scene 3 hamlet dosent mean what he says when he is forgiving his sins for the murder of king hamlet privately
  • Act 3 scene 4 Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell.' In this moment, Hamlet is filled with anger and frustration, expressing his disdain for the meddling and intrusive nature of Polonius. The line signifies Hamlet's impulsive and harsh reaction, bidding farewell to Polonius in a contemptuous manner.
    • "My soul is full of discord and dismay" ... Act 4 scene Claudius is shocked and unsettled after the killing of Polonius by Hamlet, who mistook Polonius for Claudius
  • I have sent to seek him and to find the body. Act 4 scene 3 Claudius talking about polonius body with regards to hamlet
  • o, from this time forth my thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth“ act 4 scene 4 hamlet saying if his thoughts are not of revenge, they are worth nothing: 
  •    “How came he dead“ act 4 scene 5 hamlet shocked at his fathers (polonius) death after returning from France
  • “And in his grave rain’s many a tear” Ophelia being upset while singing about death of father
  • “I’ll annoint my sword“- act 4 scene 7 leartes talking about how he’ll put poison on his sword to kill hamlet with the help of Claudius who will provide a poisonous drink
  • forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love, make up my sum,'' Act 5 scene 1 laertes jumps into Ophelia’s grave as he has a confrontation with hamlet as he jumps in too
  • As laertes dies he calls hamlet “noble hamlet”
  • "The rest is silence" - Hamlets last words as he stabs himself with Laertes dagger which was coated in poisoned by claudius. This quote shows that there is no point in living without reason and purpose.
  • Laertes expresses guilt for the fact that he’s about to murder hamlet “it’s almost haunts my conscience”
  • frailty thy name is woman- hamlet mysoginy
  • "o most penicious woman- hamlet mysoginy
  • "incestous sheets
  • "adulterate beast
  • her mood needs to be pitied-Ophelia breakdown
  • Hamlets "turbulent lumancy"
  • Ophelia been taken advantage of by Claudius and Polonius "read on thy book"
  • Hamlet is "very much offended" by Gertrude
  • Ophelia described as "The Rose of May"
  • Ophelia described as "unpolluted flesh"
  • Laertes describes Ophelia as her "dear sister"
  • "defeated joy" "mirth in funeral" "dirge in marriage" "delight and dole"

    speaking in paradoxes Claudius illustrates his dilemma in terms that create an impression of balance and good judgement
  • “a week supposal of [the countrys] worth”  
    Military tensions have risen because Claudius murdered his brother he overlooks that but Claudius blames it on fortinbras and saying he has demonstrated Denmark badly