
Cards (7)

  • Ozymandias - Structure & Form
    Sonnet - Ramessess II is in love with himself
  • Ozymandias - Method
    ’Kings of kings’ - power is transient. Ramessess was powerful FOR A TIME. Arrogant and powerful enough to challenge other rulers but destroyed by nature
  • Storm On the Island - Structure & Form
    single stanza - reflects the lack of breaks and relentlessness of the storm -> cyclical structure
  • Storm On the Island - Method
    ‘exploding comfortably’ - oxymoron juxtaposes feeling of safety and fear in your home -> fear in your home and safe place
  • Storm on The Island - Language
    ’the wind dives and strafes invisibly’ - semantic field of war compels reader to understand the war with the weather
  • Exposure - Structure & Form
    ABBAC rhyme scheme - repetitive monotonous rhyme scheme illustrates how the weather is continuos. ALT VIEW -> reflection of man’s experience and build momentum for an anti-climax
  • Exposure - Language
    ‘Dawn massing in the east her melancholy army’ - personification of dawn -> semantic field of war -> dawn is usually good (irony), attacked by dawn