Social Development Theory

Cards (9)

  • Vygotsky's More Knowledgeable Other: anyone who interacts with a child who has more experience of speech.
  • Vygotsky believes that learning is a crucially social process as opposed to an independent journey of discovery.
  • Vygotsky believes that children learn best when interacting with others and problem-solving.
  • A struggle with social interaction in Vygotsky's theory is that it's not possible to identify precise links between parent structures and its appearance in child language.
  • A struggle with social interaction in Vygotsky's theory is that caregiver speech is often non-standard which could hinder a child's acquisition.
  • Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development refers to the difference between what a child can do independently and what they can do with the help of an adult.
  • The MKO scaffolds learning in the ZPD.
  • According to Bruner, the MKO creates the Language Acquisition Support System by scaffolding the interaction between them and the child.
  • According to Bruner, the LAD cannot function alone and every LAD therefore needs a LASS - was also mocking Chomsky's terminology (lad + lass).