As Mecca was declared to be haram of violence, everyone kept their idols at the Ka’aba to worship them in safety but also ensured that everyone in Mecca behaved.
Both Judaism and Christianity reject the view that God is entirely above all, and thus separate from the world, as the pre-Christian Greek Unknown God.
Their world was threatened by universal injustice, cheating, drunkenness, sexual immorality and cruelty of all kinds, including the maltreatment of orphans and female infanticide.
Muhammad was sure that social reform had to be based on a new spiritual foundation, though before the revelations, he had no idea that his destiny would be to implement these changes.
Prophet Muhammad was the Seal of the Prophets, sent to bring Arabia back to Islam and reaffirm previous Prophet’s messages through the final Holy Book = The Qur’an.
They were arrogant, reckless, ungenerous and egotistical, believed only in riches, and took no responsibility for people outside their immediate, elite circle.