social learning

Cards (17)

  • Behaviour is learned from the environment through observations.
  • Mediation processes occur between stimuli and response.
  • Imitation is the process of coping others' behaviour, using others as models.
  • Modeling is the process of observing and imitating the behaviour of a role model from the observer's perspective.
  • Identification is the process where an observer associates themselves with a role model and desires to be like them.
  • Live models include parents, teachers, and peers.
  • Symbolic models include celebrities and characters that children look up to.
  • Albert Bandura agreed with behaviourist that learning occurs from experiences and suggests we learn through observations and imitations.
  • The Bobo doll experiment investigated if social behaviours could be learned through observations.
  • The findings of the Bobo doll experiment showed that children are more aggressive towards a doll compared to other toys.
  • The strengths of the Bobo doll experiment include a controlled environment, high internal validity, and a lot of evidence.
  • The limitations of the Bobo doll experiment include low external validity and the possibility that children may have hit the doll as that is the purpose of it.
  • Vicarious reinforcement is an indirect way of learning where the observer sees the consequence of behaviour.
  • Bandura and Walter conducted an experiment where one group of children saw an adult being praised for violence and another group saw an adult being told off.
  • Fox and Bailenson conducted an experiment where participants who saw a similar model exercising engaged in more exercising behaviours in the following 24 hours.
  • Aker 1988 theory suggests that the likelihood of engaging in criminal behaviour is increased when individuals are exposed to criminal role models.
  • This theory has led to age rating.