The Imamate

Cards (18)

  • The majority of Muslims are Sunni, a significant minority are Shi’a.
  • Prophet Muhammad had no sons, and both his daughters were married to Ali.
  • Prophet Muhammad had not openly named a successor.
  • Leadership in the Muslim community was not simply inherited, a new leader had to be worthy of appointment.
  • After the death of Prophet Muhammad, a gathering of his followers chose Abu Bakr as the leader.
  • Abu Bakr was distantly related to Muhammad, and through his daughter Aisha was Muhammad’s father-in-law.
  • Some traditions say Abu Bakr was the first adult male convert to Islam.
  • According to Shi’a tradition, Ali was preparing the body of the Prophet for burial whilst the meeting took place.
  • The Muslim community broadly split into two groups: Muhajirun (refugees from Makkah), and Ansar (the people of Madinah).
  • It was decided that a leader should come from the Muhajirun, the first to convert and hear Muhammad's message was Abu Bakr.
  • Today, Shi’a Muslim communities are led by imams, who are seen as having been chosen by God.
  • The Shi’a Imams: according to Sevener Shiites, they broke off from the more numerous Twelvers after the death of Jafar al-Sadiq in 765 AD.
  • They became known as "Seveners" because they believed that Isma'il ibn Ja'far was the seventh and last Imam in the line of Ali.
  • Shi’a Muslims believe that imams are inspired by God, are without sin and are infallible, which means that they can interpret the teachings of the Qur’an without making any errors.
  • The Imamate is important to Shi’a Muslims because the imams are without sin and can interpret the Qur’an without fault, they rule justly and are all part of the bloodline of Muhammad, continuing his work and life.
  • Muhammad al-Muntazar is believed to be alive but hidden, and will one day return with Jesus (Isa) to bring justice and equality, a belief known as The Occultation.
  • Imams should be exemplary individuals who obey all teachings and follow Shari’ah law.
  • The Shi’a Imams: according to Twelver Shiites, the seventh and last Imam, Isma'il ibn Ja'far, was the son of Jafar al-Sadiq and the father of Muhammad al-Muntazar.