
Cards (18)

  • The Anglo-Saxon Word 400-800
    period was called "The Dark Ages"for two reasons
    1.downfall of post-Roman civilization -> leaving 'the darkness of a non-civilized world'
    ->very negative qualities, brightness of Roman Civilisation gone:
    written language, values, advanced technical/intellectual aspects
    2. only few traces are left, little knowledge about this period due to lack
    of written documents, language was "gone"
  • Situation on the British Isles in 400
    · Britain was a complex country -> split into different regions
    · Interaction of four distinct cultures:
    1. the Britons/Celts (Romanised Region),
    2. the Picts (North)
    3. the Irish,
    4. the Anglo-Saxons (centre
  • What happened after the Romans left?
    · political void was not filled for centuries, no central authority like the Romans
    · no new coins were minted after 410 -> decrease in economic activity
    · Roman towns in the south declined becaus Romans took their knowledge with them'
    ↳> no longer centres of cultural activity, decline of roads, less trade
    · return to pre-Roman living and self-sufficiency (eg houses built with wood instead of stone)
    · drastic depopulation, celtic refugees fled to France (Brittany)
  • Arrival of the Anglo-Saxons
    · new start in Britannia, unique in Western Europe
    · Anglo-Saxons: group of different tribes
    ↳> from 430s onwards Germanic settlers arrived: Angles, Saxons, Jutes& Frisians
    => seeking new beginning (migration from Northern Europe)
    · pushed to Britain due to rising sea levels and other tribes from east occupying their land
    · Saxons used to be pirates -seen as brutal, plundering coasts
  • Anglo-Saxons: Allies or Invadors?
    · southern people hired Anglo-Saxons to help
    defend against the Scots and Picts
    · Anglo-Saxons were led by brothers
    Hengist and Horsa -founded Kingdom
    of Kent in 450
  • Anglo-Saxons: Allies or Invadors?
    · instead of helping the king in Britannia, they took their territory and established a kingdom
    · by the end of the 6th century, invaders controlled half of the isle and local hings gave themselves the title Bretwalda (King of Britain)
  • Anglo-Saxon society
    · Germanic tribes spoke Germanic languages (very different from Celtic languages)
    · Germanic gods gave name to Weekdays (Frey/Freya -> Friday)
    · women had no rights
    · celtic population (the Britons)saw them as barbarians -> seen as primitive (different values (
    · their language replaced Latin as lingua franca
    · spread over a great part of British Isles and built their own kingdoms
    -> replaced Roman law with own, brought new religion, social and political values
    · Similarities: tribal culture, similar weapons, dominance of villages, group not homogenous
  • First English Towns
    · Canterbury, York, Winchester, Worcester
    · towns crumbled after Romans Left->Anglo-Saxons either founded new towns
    or built on former Roman settlements
    · rise of churches and cathedrals
    · reintroduction of coins -> trade flourished again
    Anglo-Saxon Kings didn't rule alone -> alongside bishops, local hings...
  • Old English
    · brought by Anglo-Saxons, replaced Celtic and Roman languages
    · introduced lower case letters as well as specifically Anglo-Saxon pronounciation
    · derived from runes, some letters can still be traced back
    · used written symbols -> way of communicating simple messages
    · Beowrlf -> Anglo-Saxon epic
  • Relationship between Anglo-Saxons and Britons
    · mostly antagonistic (coloniser vs. colonised)
    · Mercian King Offa (757-96)as most powerful king before Alfred
    Offas dyke: built as boundary between Britons and Anglo Saxons
    Capprox. following Welsh border)-> no mixing of the two cultures
    · Offa initiated process of unification, homogenisation and centralisation
    -> 'England'as region emerging
  • Christianity and the Anglo-Saxon World
    · renewed Christian mission of Britain Calready introduced by Romans), survived in Ireland and Wales
    · Anglo-Saxons Crushed Chitianity (except Wales and the North
    · Pope Gregory the Great: sent Augustine to Kent (becaus King already had Christian wife)
    -Augustinian mission successful -> king converted and population& other kingdoms followed
    · Augustine became archbishop in Canterbury (598)
  • Kings helped churches grow and supported Christianisation.
  • Church controlled people by giving their life structure with rituals.
  • Kings and church were even more entwined by anointment, as kings needed the power of the church to exist and were blessed at coronation, making their power very convincing.
  • Kings brought literacy back to Britain.
  • Instant Christianisation was not possible, as evidenced by Beowulf, where some aspects of Anglo-Saxon religion were incorporated into Christian religion to make conversion easier.
  • Anglo-Saxon gods slowly vanished over time.
  • Anglo-Saxons: 400 AD - 800 AD