-the sperm cell will look for the egg cell by the fallopiantubes
-development and nourishment of the zygote
-nag develop outside its normallocation
-development of zygote in the fallopiantube
The vagina receives the sperm and the penis.
The vagina is acidic.
Almost 300 million sperm cells enter the vagina.
The cervix is open for a few days when the woman ovulates.
Other sperms are thought of as an invader.
Tiny cilia pushes the sperm to the egg.
The acrosome produces the enzymes.
The zona pelluicda is a fluid-filled space inside the egg cell, which will produce enzymes that block the way for sperms to come inside the egg cell.
The sperm reforms into 23chromosomes each.
Microtubules pull the chromosomes closer to each other.
The corona radiata is the outer layer of the sperm.
Labia majora are larger lips, folds of tissue that protect the other external organs and contain glands such as sebaceous glands.
Labia minora protect the delicate organs such as clitoris, opening of vagina chuchu and serve as an orifice, meaning butas.
Vestibule contains urethra and vaginal openings.
Pudendalcleft refers to the indentations and a slit in between the labia’s.
Clinical perineum is a term for separation, the area between, that separates the vulva from the anus to distinguish an area and is also the incision during labor.
Episiotomy is a surgicalincision for the clinical perineum.
MENARCHE-firstever menstruation
AMENORRHEA-absence of menstruation
MENOPAUSALSTAGE- end point of mens, no more ovulation
MAMMARYGLANDS-produces milk (prolactin)
PROLACTIN-stimulatesmilk production
OXYTOCIN- hormone that is released during labor, stimulates the contractions, gives the reflexes when ready na manganak
Ø the production of prostaglandins (increases uterine contractions) increases
Areola-pigment part of the nipple
Nipple- where milk is excreted
Lactiferoussinus- where milk is stored
Menstruation occurs from Day 1 to 5 with bleeding and the follicles beginning to mature.
The rebuilding of the endometrial lining occurs from Day 6 to 13.
Ovulation occurs on Day 14 with a high hormonal level, particularly estrogen.
The endometriumprepares itself for implantation from Day 15 to 28 with low estrogen levels.
Ø most common with women with irregularperiods
Ø it is curable? No
-dys- painful
-menorrhea- menstruation
-painful menstruation
Primary dysmenorrhea
Ø most concerning
Secondary dysmenorrhea
Ø it can be because you have an underlying condition
What makes menstruation painful?
Ø Increased prostaglandins
Ø The lining thickens which increases the levels of prostaglandins which increases the contraction
Ø There is contraction for the lining to shed in the form of blood when secreted out the body