what are the four main settings healthcare workers work in?
GP surgeries and local health centres
GP surgeries and local health centre
patients go here first when they need medical advice.
doctors diagnose the patient's illness. they may issue a prescription for medication or refer patients to other services.
nurses might carry out treatment or health screening, or take blood tests.
2. Hospitals
patients go here for treatment that a GP cannot give. it is where operations are carried out, and accident and emergency departments and some walk-in centres are located.
patients are referred by their GPs to specialist medical teams.
specialist doctors (consultants) may issue a prescription for specialists medication or refer patients to surgeons for operations.
3. clinics
patients go here to be treated for specific medical conditions.
patients are referred by their GPs to specialist clinics based in hospitals and in community.
trained personnel, including doctors and nurses, work in clinics.
4. home
this is where care is provided for housebound people or those who are recovering from medical treatment such as an operation.
most people prefer to recover at home and some who are dying prefer to be nursed at home.
care may be provided at home for births.
patients are treated at home by community-based nursing and midwifery staff.