
Cards (20)

  • vesting clause (take care clause) - “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” This gives the President the role of Head of the Government and Head of State as well as the ability to implement laws. 
  • 20th Amendment - it sets when Presidental & VP terms start and end, such as the President being inaugurated on Jan. 20. 

    22nd Amendment - Limits the President to two terms 

    25th Amendment - In the case that the President is killed, impeached, etc the next in line would be the VP, Speaker of the House, President Pro Temp, etc. 
  • veto - the president can approve or reject a bill passed by Congress
  • head of state - the president as the example and symbol for our nation; they can channel this through tree/menorah lightings
  • chief executive - the president choosing the officials and advisors to run the executive branch and deciding which laws to enforce; shown through appointing the head of the CIA & running a cabinet meeting (inherent)
  • chief diplomat - the president makes foreign policy and works with diplomats/amabassors; hosting forign leader and making treaties (delegated) & executive agreements and promises with other countries (inherent)
  • commander in chief - the president is in charge of the armed forces, gives orders to miltary generals, and decides where to station troops; drone expansion
  • chief legislator - the president is responsible for signinging bills to become laws, vetoing, and giving the State of the Union address (formal) as well as giving executive orders and urging Congress to pass bills (infromal); Congress is the holdout to pass blame too
  • chief of party - the president can help members of the party get elected and appoints members to federal jobs; hosting fundraisers supporting candidates
  • chief guardian of the economy - the president will be concerned with the prosperity of the country and initiates the budget (since FDR); meets wih advisors to discuss ways to deal with economic concerns
  • appointment power - The president can appoint government positions such as the federal judiciary (Supreme Court justices), offices in the armed forces, cabinet sectraies (Senate approval), etc. 
  • recess appointment - The president appoints ambassadors, head of departments, minor office positions, or chooses non-controversial nominees for a position while Senate isn’t in session.
  • executive orders - orders made by the president without congressional approval that can enforce laws, enforce the constitution/treaties, or edtablish/modify rules & pratices of executive agenda
  • honeymoon period - period at the beginning of a new president's term during which the president enjoys generally positive relations with the press and Congress, usually lasting about 6 months
    lame duck period - period between presidential/congressional elections and the inauguration of officials in the following year
  • executive office of the president (EOP) - They help the president achieve their policy goals and get re-elected. 
    office of management and budget - Budget proposals and monitor spending by government agencies. 
    domestic policy advisors - Bills & Laws within the US
    foreign policy advisors - Provide information regarding foreign policy 

    national security council - The joint Cheif of Staff, secretary of State, Defense, Homeland Security, CIA Director, and advises about foreign policy
  • executive agreement - Agreements between presidents and foreign governments that act like a treaty but technically aren’t so they can bypass Senate approval. 
  • executive privilege - the right of president to keep executive matter confidential. 
  • vice president: during the campaign: provides geographical and idelogical balance to the ticket
    constitutional powers: 
    • immediate transfer of power, if needed (Death or medical emergency)
    • presiding officer of the Senate 
    • tie breaker in Senate
    informal powers
    • diplomat
    • advises the President
    • the power of the VP depends on how much power the Pres. gives
  • chief of staff:
    • directs the daily schedule
    • get their job because of patronage (it’s given to them)
    • anything the president needs them to do
    • negotiates with congress members
    • gives advice to the president 
  • cabinet
    • the cabinet = cabinet secretaries/secretary of each department
    • appointed by Pres. Confirmed by Senate
    • main function: advisory
    • they have divided loyalties because they run their departments but also answer to the President