Review of Related Literature is an overview of pre-existing literature related to an individual's research, thesis, or dissertation topic
Related Literature consists of discussions of facts and principles related to the present study, found in books, encyclopedias, professional journals, magazines, newspapers, and other publications
Related Studies are inquiries or investigations already conducted related to the proposed study, classified as local if conducted in the Philippines or foreign if conducted elsewhere
Practices for Conducting RRL:
Setting clear research objectives
Utilizing systematic search strategies
Incorporating diverse perspectives
Maintaining proper citation and referencing practices
Purposes of RRL:
To gather primary data for the study
To analyze the results of the research study
To identify existing knowledge and gaps in the research area
To determine the research methodology to be used
Characteristics of RRL:
The surveyed material must be as recent as possible
Materials reviewed must be objective, unbiased, and relevant to the study
Surveyed materials must be based on genuinely original and true facts for validity and reliability
The number of reviewed materials should not be too few or too many
Primary Sources are fundamental documents relating to a subject, often first-hand accounts like published books, magazines, and encyclopedias
Secondary Sources are documents or recordings that discuss information originally presented elsewhere, like information from the internet or unpublished thesis and dissertations