
Cards (21)

  • Short Term
    What did Peterson and Peterson work out?
    The duration of STM
  • What what did they use?
  • What were they asked to do before recalling?
    Count backwards in 3s
  • What did the results show?
    There was rapid forgetting in a short period if time
  • What did they find after 18s?
    Only 10% of the trigrams were accurately recalled
  • What did Conrad do?
    He shows Ps random sequences of 6 letters from consonants and asked them to write down what they see
  • What were the results?
    The rate of presentation was too fast
    They made mistakes by mixing up the sounds of words - substitution errors
  • What did Baddeley discover?
    Word with similar sounds were much harder to recall than words that don't sound alike
  • What is the preferred method of encoding?

  • What did Bahrick et al want to see?
    The duration of LTM
  • What did he experiment on?
    392 American ex high school students
  • What were the 4 types of tests that Bahrick use

    Free recall
    Photo recognition
    Name face recognition
    Photo-naming test
  • What was the free recall test?
    Recalling as many names as possible
  • What was the photo recognition test?
    Shown 50 photos and had to say which ones were former classmates
  • What was the photo-naming test?
    Shown a photo and had to name the former classmate
  • What were the results?
    Free recall - After 15 years=60% accurate After 48 years=30% accurate
    Photo recognition - After 34 years=90% accurate After 48 years=40% accurate
    Name-recognition - After 34 years=90% accurate After 48 years=80% accurate
  • What did this show?
    That LTM is good when provided recognition cues
    That recognition memory is better than free recall
  • What was the limitation with this study?
    It only deals with one type of information and can't be certain that LTM id as good for other kinds
  • What did Baddeley (1966) demonstrate?

    The primary code seems to be semantic
  • What were the results of B experiment?
    Recall from STM was badly affected by similar sounds(10% recalled)
    Recall from LTM was better with distinct meanings(70%) than similar meanings (55%)
    Sound makes no difference to recall from LTM but meaning does
  • What are the limitations with B study?
    Didn't use a stimulus material that's representative to everyday memory