Types of Long Term Memory

Cards (10)

  • What is the main sub divisions of the LTM?
    Non-declarative and declarative memory
  • What are the 3 main types of long term memory?
    Episodic, semantic, procedural
  • What is the episodic LTM?
    Memory for things that can happen to us and the experiences we have had
  • What is the semantic LTM?
    Our abstract general knowledge and factual information about the world
  • What is the procedural LTM?
    Knowing how to do something
  • What is an example of episodic LTM?
    Remembering your last birthday party.
  • What is an example of semantic LTM?
    Knowing Taylor Swift has a younger brother
  • What is an example of procedural LTM?
    Riding a bike, swimming, typing, driving a car
  • What is episodic LTM affected by?
    Emotion - Negative and traumatic events are often well recalled due to high emotional content
    Depth of processing - The more you semantically process events rehearse and re-tell them the better they're remembered
  • Who wrote the study for episodic LTM?
    Herlitz et al (1997)