
Cards (16)

  • mutation - change in DNA sequence
  • Environmental factors and enzyme mistakes causes mutations
  • point mutations - change in one of few nucleotides
  • mutations can occur in body or sperm/egg cells
  • body cells usually have greater mutation consequences
  • Substitution mutation - substituting one base for another
  • Deletion mutation - nucleotide is deleted from sequence
  • Insertion mutation - adds a nucleotide into sequence
  • Deletion and insertion mutations are likely to have a significant impact
  • Frameshift mutation - shifts the reading frame of the DNA sequence (Deletion and Insertion mutations)
  • Silent mutation = no effect
  • Missense mutation = single amino acid change (change in protein shape and function)
  • Premature stop = nonsense mutation (shorter protein that is most likely non-functional)
  • totally different amino acid sequences have no name and are most likely non-functional
  • If you have one mutant copy of the gene, you are usually fine
  • Deletion, Insertion, and Substitution are the three types of mutations