Cards (16)

  • AIMS
    general expression of what the researcher intends to investigate
  • operationalised hypothesis
    A statement of what the researcher believes to be true. It should be operationalised- clearly defined and measurable
  • directional hypothesis
    states whether changes are greater or lesser, positive or negative. used when theory/research suggests the direction
  • non-directional hypothesis
    doesn't state the direction, just that there is a difference. used when no theory/research or evidence is contradictory
  • independent variable and dependent variable
    researcher causes the IV to vary and records the effect on the DV
  • Extraneous variable
    any variable not being investigated that has the potential to affect the study
  • confounding variable
    variable that changes systematically with the IV so we cannot be sure is any change to the DV is because of the CV or IV
  • demand characteristics
    any cue from the researcher or situation that may reveal the aim of the study and change behaviour
  • investigator effects
    any effect of the investigators behaviour on the outcome of the research
  • randomisation
    use of chance when designing investigations to control for the effects of bias
  • standardisation
    using exactly the same formalised procedures for all participants
  • pilot studies
    small scale trial run of an investigation. so the research design can be modified
  • single and double blind trial
    single blind- participant doesnt know aims of the study so demand characteristics are reduced
    double blind- both participant and researcher don't know the aim of the study to reduce demand characteristics and investigator effects
  • participant variables
    the characteristics of the participant
  • Situational variables
    characteristics of the situation
  • order effects
    happen when participants are tested more than once. can lead to a difference in performance through practice or boredom