The Biosphere

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  • Biosphere: the thin layer of the Earth that has conditions suitable for supporting life.
    • consists of the atmosphere, lithosphere, & hydrosphere
  • Atmosphere: thing layer of gases that surrounds the Earth
    • composed of nitrogen & oxygen, and trace amounts of other gases
    • can be divided into 4 layers determined by average air temperature
    • Troposphere
    • Stratosphere
    • Mesosphere
    • Thermosphere
  • Troposphere: lowest layer of the atmosphere that contains about 80% of the atmospheric gases
    • 15 degree Celsius - -60 degree Celsius
    • ONLY part of the atmosphere that can support life
    • where most weather occurs
  • Stratosphere: contains the ozone layer that protects the Earth from radiation
    • -60 degree Celsius - 0 degree Celsius
    • where most aircraft fly at the lower levels
  • Mesosphere: where space debris gets destroyed before it can reach Earth's surface
    • 0 degree Celsius - -100 degree Celsius at high altitudes
  • Thermosphere: contains very little gases
    • -100 degree Celsius to over 2000 degree Celsius
    • absorbs much of the radiation from the sun
  • Hydrosphere consists of the all the water on Earth -- solid liquid and gas.
    • 97% stored water ; 3% freshwater (lakes, rivers, groundwaters, and glaciers)
    • warmed by incoming solar radiation and molten material in the Earth's mantle