gp paper 1

Cards (1750)

  • Zhang Zeyu scored 10 rank points in 2019 RVHS 1.
  • Malls were important in the past because of their traditional function, but today, they are not as important because of the modern world context.
  • Governments should always satisfy the desires of the people.
  • The people's desires may be incongruous with what society needs, and could lead to strife when people's selfish desires end up discriminating against other groups of people.
  • Barbie dolls that represent scientists, astronauts, handicapped individuals, and black people are sold to show girls that they can be scientists, astronauts, or handicapped individuals, and to show that being handicapped is normal.
  • Malls are more important than parks for offering activities that mostly sedentary Singaporeans need.
  • Imagination and creativity are important skills for children to develop.
  • Privacy should not be sacrificed for the sake of national security.
  • Geography, including location, natural resources, natural disasters, and individual affects social/cultural status, is still a significant factor in one's life.
  • Social skills, such as teamwork and cooperation, are also crucial for children's development.
  • Parks provide time and space for introspection, stress relief, and exercise, while malls may provide stress relief through shopping but produce more financial stress.
  • Parents in the past did their job well, they do their job as well today.
  • In a democracy, the people are the ones who choose their government, and there is a social contract that the government should satisfy the desires of the people.
  • Interdependence, which is a two-way process, is more desirable than self-reliance.
  • Parents today are not doing their job as well as parents of the past in terms of discipline, financial support, emotional support, academic support, and comparison questions.
  • An artist's responsibility is only to himself.
  • As AI continues to improve, even jobs that demand high intelligence and creativity might gradually disappear.
  • The world of chess serves as an example of where things might be heading.
  • Artificial intelligence could deliver $13 trillion in additional global economic activity by 2030, a big plus for governments and businesses.
  • In the past, machines competed with humans mainly in manual skills, creating more knowledge-based jobs where humans still have an edge over machines.
  • Artificial intelligence models machines after a human brain, significantly reducing manpower costs for firms.
  • Artificial intelligence causes displacement of workers, with predictions that up to half the jobs we know today will disappear soon.
  • Jobs that require people to deal with lots of unpredictable things and messiness, like creative problem solving and reading people, will stay ahead of robots.
  • One in five companies reported they had "incorporated AI in some offerings or processes” in a 2017 MIT Sloan Management Review survey.
  • Now machines are beginning to compete with us in cognitive skills, and we don’t know of any third kind of skill in which humans will always have an edge, which generates a real fear of the phenomena known as “capability replacement”.
  • Many of these new jobs will probably depend on cooperation rather than competition between humans and AI.
  • Human-AI teams will likely prove superior not just to humans, but also to computers working on their own.
  • Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, and others have voiced grave concerns about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence.
  • Artificial intelligence relies on operating in familiar environments, even in machine learning applications, where AI is feared to take over knowledge-based jobs, AI needs to ‘learn’ from a large amount of pre-existing data so that it can make accurate predictions based on the data it is fed.
  • In unpredictable environments, such data is usually limited or non-existent.
  • Fears of machines pushing people out of the job market are nothing new, but artificial intelligence is different from the old machines.
  • Artificial intelligence has immense potential to transform society, as recognized by Bill Gates and Tim Berners-Lee, the founder of the World Wide Web.
  • Human intelligence is likely to far exceed computer intelligence in numerous fields for at least a few more decades, hence as computers take over more routine cognitive jobs, new creative jobs for humans will continue to appear.
  • Zhang Zeyu achieved 3 in Comprehension Questions, 3 in Literal - Inferencial, 3 in Similes and Metaphors, 3 in Comparison, 3 in Irony, 3 in Paradox, 3 in Punctuation, 4 in Author’s Intention, 5 in Tone/Attitude, 7 in Word Bank, 9 in Essay Questions, 9 in Basic/Value Questions, 9 in ‘Still’, 9 in Comparison Questions, 9 in Absolute Questions, 13 in Singapore, 15 in National Day Rally 2019, 16 in Characteristics, 17 in Demographics, 18 in Media, 19 in Education, 20 in Environment, 20 in Economics, 20 in Family & Marriage, 20 in Crime & Punishment, 20 in Science & Technology, 20 in Arts and Cult
  • Media regulation is important, but what is more important is the intent behind it.
  • Zhang Zeyu scored 24 rank points in Value, 26 in Control, 28 in Responsibility, 29 in Effective, 30 in Justified, 30 in Science and Technology, 32 in Effective, 35 in Justified, 36 in Arts, 37 in Responsibility, 38 in Essays.
  • Objective journalism, although highly sought after, is often inadequate or non-existent.
  • News media are willing to hype up anything – whether a male athlete is female, and octopus picking a winning sports team, or a monkey picking a winning presidential candidate.
  • Media regulation is a tempting tool of leaders of countries to slide into dictatorship, consolidating their power at the expense of the freedom of the individual and more importantly, the elimination of the fourth estate which motivates government officials to act in the interests of their people.
  • When such media regulation is done properly, a country or society can be protected from falsehoods that may incite undesirable public sentiment, contributing to a well-functioning society especially in times of crisis.